Modern warfare call of duty rx 5700
Modern warfare call of duty rx 5700

Other missions have you play as the "good guys," and things are just as entertaining here thanks to fast-paced action paired with insanely good animations and sound design.

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Interestingly, the developer managed to put you in that scenario without making you feel like a bad guy and crossing any lines-just getting extremely close to both. In some missions you are out against an overwhelming occupying force and have to use guerrilla tactics to become more than just a nuisance for the oppressors. While other games have tried to give you the being a "terrorist/insurgent" feeling, Modern Warfare is the first game I have ever played that really managed to achieve that feat. The whole plot itself isn't much to write home about, but how all the little sequences are arranged together, often depicting things in a very graphic way, does trigger emotions. While gameplay is completely linear and 100% scripted, the storytelling is amazing. I have to admit I haven't had this much fun in a single-player story-driven shooter for a long time. Not being a big fan of Call of Duty myself, I was skeptical at first, but was reeled in within minutes of playing the single player. While last year's Call of Duty had no single-player mode, Activision returned to their roots and included a highly entertaining single-player story with Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

modern warfare call of duty rx 5700 modern warfare call of duty rx 5700

#Modern warfare call of duty rx 5700 series

ConclusionCall of Duty Modern Warfare is the latest iteration in the extremely-long running series that is arguably one of the most successful video game franchises on the planet.

Modern warfare call of duty rx 5700